Submit Your Science to TCT® 2025.

Showcase Your Research, Cases, and Innovations to a Global Audience

Access an Opportunity To Join the Prestigious TCT® Faculty

Transform the Future of Interventional Cardiology

Submit your groundbreaking science for an opportunity to present on a global stage and join the prestigious TCT® 2025 faculty. Imagine sharing your research with the brightest minds in interventional cardiology and connecting with a global network of innovators!

Don’t miss out on the chance to gain invaluable connections, insights, and recognition that will elevate your career to new heights!

Shape the future of interventional cardiology.
Unlock an opportunity to become faculty at TCT® 2025.
Connect with a global network of innovators and collaborate with top experts.
Forge invaluable connections, gain unique insights, and elevate your career to new heights.
Drive collaboration that leads to revolutionary scientific advancements.
Captivate a worldwide audience while showcasing your expertise.


Email us at [email protected]

Submission Categories and Guidelines

Challenging Cases

Physicians and fellows worldwide: Submit your most challenging coronary, endovascular, and structural heart disease cases. The best cases will be chosen by the course directors for presentation. Accepted submissions will be reviewed by the editors of JACC Case Reports, and the top cases may be invited for publication.

Submission Guidelines

  • Enter the relevant information on the CRF® submission platform, as prompted. A PowerPoint slide presentation is optional.
  • Character limit: 2,450 total, including case summary, history, diagnostic tests, procedure, conclusion, and comments. Each image reduces your character limit by 600. Each table reduces your character limit by 300.
  • Images: 10 MB maximum.
  • Video formats: 30 MB mpeg, wmv, avi, mov, mpg, mp4.


Accepted presenters will be notified in September.


Submit your abstracts of original research for the opportunity to present to thousands of your colleagues worldwide. Research can be in the form of clinical studies, basic science investigations, or preclinical studies and must be relevant to interventional cardiology, endovascular medicine, or structural heart disease. Your abstracts must convey original research but can include portions of previous abstracts and/or manuscripts presented or published elsewhere. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC).

Note About Submission Categories

  • We strongly encourage you to submit your research to both the Abstracts and Late-Breaking Clinical Trials and Science/FIH and EFS categories. Doing so gives your work the opportunity to be considered for both presentation formats, potentially increasing its visibility and impact. Please check the relevant box on the submission site to indicate if you have submitted the same work to both categories.
  • Submit single-patient case reports to Challenging Cases, regardless of the novelty of the case.

Submission Guidelines

  • Grammar check: Please ensure that your abstract submission undergoes thorough grammatical checking to ensure it is publication-ready if accepted.
  • Correct upload: Verify that all study information, including tables and images, is correctly uploaded and displayed on the submission site.
  • Character limit: 2,200, including spaces (approximately 300-350 words). Each image reduces your character limit by 600. Each table reduces your character limit by 300.


Accepted presenters will be notified in late August.

Thomas J. Linnemeier Spirit of Interventional Cardiology Young Investigator Award

Younger than 40? Committed to academic and research excellence and have the accomplishments to demonstrate it? Apply for the Young Investigator Award!

The Linnemeier Award is designed to inspire young physicians to pursue a lifelong commitment to clinical and academic excellence. This prestigious award honors achievements in interventional cardiovascular medicine and aims to stimulate continued dedication to exceptional patient care and ongoing academic research by emerging investigators.

The finalists will become faculty at TCT® 2025. The winner will be announced at the conference and will receive the award along with a $10,000 scholarship on the podium at TCT® 2025.


We encourage both international and U.S.-based applicants. Candidates for this award must be:

  • Younger than 40 years old at the start of TCT® 2025 (October 25, 2025) — excluding individuals who have attained the rank of associate or full professor, regardless of age. (Applicants over the age of 40 need not apply.)
  • Specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine (interventional cardiology, endovascular medicine, structural heart disease, pathology, etc.).

Application Guidelines

Please submit the following:

  • CV
  • Personal statement
  • Clinical accomplishments
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Supplemental information, as relevant


Finalists will be notified in mid-September.

Innovation Sessions and TCT® Shark Tank Innovation Competition

Innovation Sessions

Submit your novel technologies relevant to the monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of coronary, endovascular, or structural heart disease. Selected emerging technologies will be presented at TCT® 2025. Submissions will be evaluated by a group of external reviewers and graded analogously to the science and case submissions.

TCT® Shark Tank Innovation Competition

Enter the Shark Tank! The annual TCT® conference is the preeminent platform for concept-stage presentations of novel technologies in interventional cardiovascular medicine. Submit concept-stage novel technologies in interventional cardiovascular medicine for a chance to present to a panel of expert judges and compete for an award of US$200,000, provided by the Jon DeHaan Foundation.

Submission of technologies at different stages of development is encouraged. The TCT® Innovation Program Development Committee strives to find appropriate placement in the program for as many eligible submissions as possible. A small subset of submissions will be considered for and offered participation in the TCT® Shark Tank Innovation Competition. Your submission must be relevant to the monitoring, diagnosis, or treatment of coronary, endovascular, or structural heart disease and meet all three of the following criteria:

  • Addresses an unmet clinical need
  • Has preliminary patent application filed
  • Includes preclinical or early human clinical data

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit 15-20 PowerPoint slides covering aspects of the technology.
  • Describe clinical indication for innovative device or technology.
  • Character limit: 2,450, including spaces. 


Accepted presenters will be notified in mid-September.

Late-Breaking Clinical Trials and Science / First-in-Human and Early Feasibility Studies

Late-Breaking Clinical Trials and Science Are Typically

  • First-time presentations of first-in-human experiences with novel devices or drugs
  • Primary or important secondary endpoint results of prospective randomized clinical trials
  • Large-scale, impactful single-/multicenter observational studies/registries

If Your Submission Is Accepted

  • You will present it at TCT® 2025.
  • You must commit to providing your presentation slides a week prior to the conference.
  • It will be featured in the press conferences scheduled for the same day.

Note About Submission Categories

  • If you are uncertain about whether your research qualifies for LBCT/S consideration, please also submit it as an abstract. Doing so will not diminish your chances for LBCT/S selection, but will enhance the possibility of your work being presented at TCT® 2025.
  • Please check the relevant box on the submission site to indicate if you have submitted the same work to both categories.


The content of accepted late-breaking clinical trials and science is strictly embargoed until time of presentation.

Nonqualifying Submissions

Please note that the following rarely qualify as late-breaking clinical trial submissions and instead should be submitted as abstracts or innovation

  • Preclinical studies
  • Early first-in-human device studies
  • Meta-analyses

Submission Guidelines

  • Total character limit: 3,250, including spaces. Each image reduces your character limit by 600. Each table reduces your character limit by 300. Character limits on each component of your submission are as follows:
    • Primary endpoints: 550-character limit
    • Secondary endpoints: 550-character limit
    • Funding sources: 500 character limit
  • File format: .png or .jpg files only


Accepted presenters will be notified in mid-September.

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