Media, investigators, organizations issuing press releases, and others with access to research accepted for presentation during TCT® 2025 are required to abide by the embargo policies governing CRF® meetings.
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation® embargoes information presented as a late-breaking clinical trial, late-breaking clinical science, or featured clinical research. Coverage of these studies is strictly prohibited until the start time of each trial’s official presentation as listed in the TCT® 2025 Program on the official TCT® website. No journalist, exhibitor, or university (or affiliated organization or company) may disseminate information until the trial’s official presentation time. All embargo times are listed in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). There is no official embargo for research presented as an abstract, challenging case, or during an innovation session. However, to maximize the impact of your presentation, we recommend that no data be shared until the start of the TCT® 2025 meeting (Saturday, October 25, 2025 at 7:00 AM PDT) and ideally not before your formal presentation.
Investigators presenting research at TCT® 2025 may not engage in embargoed media outreach, conduct embargoed interviews, or share embargoed presentation materials without prior approval from the CRF® Press Office.
For questions regarding the embargo policy, please email [email protected].
Late-breaking clinical trials and late-breaking clinical science are selected for additional media promotion by the CRF® Press Office. Promotion includes participation in an official TCT® embargoed press conference and development of press materials. Investigators will be contacted by the CRF® Press Office to coordinate their participation in the press conference and assist with the development of press materials. Investigators whose late-breaking trials or science are accepted for presentation at TCT® are expected to participate in these promotional activities.
Official TCT® press conferences are embargoed and held BEFORE the official presentations as a courtesy to the media.
Investigators presenting research at a TCT® 2025 press conference may invite co-authors of the study and one institutional public relations representative to attend the briefing. The names of these guests must be submitted to the CRF® Press Office in advance. Guests are not permitted to engage in promotional discussions during the briefing, within the briefing room, or immediately outside of it.
If accepted TCT® research is being considered for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, the author or presenter must notify the journal of the scheduled presentation at TCT® 2025 as soon as possible. The CRF® Press Office should also be informed immediately with the name of the journal and a contact person. Many journals offer expedited online publication, which can occur quickly, so it is essential to communicate publication details promptly to prevent any embargo violations. Failure to do so may result in the research being removed from the TCT® 2025 program. The CRF® Press Office will coordinate a simultaneous release with the publication.
These policies were last updated February 11, 2025 and are subject to change. Please check with the CRF® Press Office for further updates.