Press conferences will take place each morning from Sunday, October 26, 2025, through Tuesday, October 28, 2025. The schedule is forthcoming.
Please note that press conference presentations of late-breaking trials and late-breaking science at TCT® 2025 are held prior to the official presentations as a courtesy to the media. However, embargoes do not lift until the start time of each individual presentation as listed in the TCT® 2025 agenda. All embargo times are listed in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT, UTC −7).
Media, investigators, organizations issuing press releases, and others with access to research accepted for presentation during TCT® 2025 are required to abide by the embargo policies governing CRF® meetings.
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation® embargoes information presented as a late-breaking clinical trial, late-breaking clinical science, or featured clinical research. Coverage of these studies is strictly prohibited until the start time of each trial’s official presentation as listed in the TCT® 2025 Program on the official TCT® website. No journalist, exhibitor, or university (or affiliated organization or company) may disseminate information until the trial’s official presentation time. All embargo times are listed in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). There is no official embargo for research presented as an abstract, challenging case, or during an innovation session. However, we request that you do not file stories until the meeting begins (7:00 AM PDT on Saturday, October 25, 2025.)
Please be advised that any journalist violating the Embargo Policy will have his or her press credentials immediately revoked and will not be granted press credentials for future CRF® meetings. The embargo policy also applies to press releases and other communications from external organizations including embargoed information slated for presentation at TCT®.
CRF® promotes the free exchange and rapid dissemination of research and educational content from all CRF® meetings. The slides from CRF®-sponsored courses and symposia are immediately posted on TCTMD® to facilitate scientific discourse and enhance patient care.
Communicating through social media is welcome and strongly encouraged, provided that embargo rules are honored. Photographs, screenshots, images of slides from sessions, and brief audio/video clips can be shared via social media. However, posting or live streaming entire sessions or live cases (the latter to respect patient privacy) and use of any CRF® course content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
The official hashtag for TCT® 2025 taking place October 25-28 is #TCT2025.
Photography (non-flash only) and brief audio, video, or screen recording using hand-held equipment for strictly personal, educational, and/or social use (in accordance with CRF®’s Social Media Policy) are permitted at all CRF® meetings as determined solely by CRF®. Substantial portions of posters, slides, and presentations may not be copied or reproduced in any form for sale or commercial use. CRF® reserves the right to limit recordings on-site if deemed necessary.
Media must obtain approval and camera tag from CRF® before filming, screen recording, or taking photographs for the purpose of original news or social media coverage with the express permission of individuals appearing in the video. Please note that once approval to film and/or photograph is obtained, filming, videotaping, and photography are limited to agreed-upon terms.
Members of the media with credentialed press access will have access to the TCT® 2025 on-site and online press room.
Individuals with complimentary press badges who violate CRF® press policies will immediately forfeit press credentials for the meeting as well as any subsequent meetings. Press policy violations include:
- Misrepresentation for the purpose of obtaining press credentials.
- Selling, marketing, or representing a company for the purposes of obtaining advertising and/or subscriptions from any registrant or exhibitor marketing a product or service displayed at a CRF® meeting.
- Sharing or distributing embargoed media materials beyond those immediately involved in the development of news coverage prior to the embargo lift.
- Engaging in product promotion that implies CRF® endorsement and/or use of the CRF® logo without the express written consent of CRF®.
- Developing or collecting materials to assist in the development of CME programs or materials and/or soliciting presenters or writers for CME programs or publications.
- Publishing or posting slides, abstracts, posters, or substantial portions of these materials. These are provided to the media to assist in the development of original news coverage only and are not intended for copy, sale, or redistribution.
For further information or to request permission for filming, recording, and photography, please contact us at
These policies were last updated February 11, 2025 and are subject to change. Please check with the CRF® Press Office for further updates.